Happy to see you!

1) Hi I’m Alta— nickname Friday, brand name = Piratess Friday.  I have taken all but 3 classes in my Entrepreneurship degree and used it to help my husband start Olympic TV and Tech.  The idea was that he is the installer and I would be refreshing my old accounting degree, dispatch/secretary and putting my tech help desk skills to work for client questions. We install a lot of Starlink, make sure properties have complete internet coverage for their he/she sheds, studios, or bnbs, install security cameras, and educate the public on any tech they own or don’t understand while cutting their bills by giving them alternatives to services they already overpay for such as cable TV.  Now I am taking the Multimedia/Web communication degree with 2 quarters left so that I can help other businesses and our own with website and social media needs. 

I have enjoyed Marina’s and Professor Brock’s other classes so far learning all kinds of different new skills, whereas before I just loved to draw and paint.  I also like making wire trees. I love digital storytelling and plan to blog and do quite a bit of story writing in the future.

Currently, I’m also working full-time at the Verizon Kiosk in Costco so hopefully you all will stop by and say “hi” if you shop there from time to time.  I hope to learn enough about AI to list this on a resume job search and see if it leads anywhere… 

I have always loved Dali and discovered Sheidlina

Ellen Sheidlin (@sheidlina) • Instagram photos and videosLinks to an external site.

who is young and new but definitely interesting and seems to follow a lot of my thought processes and wrote about her last quarter, and really still relate.

Part 2:  

I keep running across  digital artist Anton Semenov (not sure if he is or related to the dancer by the same name?) and he is an inspiration because he is about 30ish and started taking digital art classes in 1998 learning Paint and claims his first work wasn’t very good, so it gives me a peek at what can be learned and how much one can improve.  His art is not scary to me at all, but rather fun and wild

in several articles he says his inspirations come from music and: “As a rule, it is loneliness. There is an opinion that “every artist draws himself, or a part of himself,” which is probably true. I think loneliness is the natural state of a man. Loneliness has no opposites (at least in Russian). We are all always lonely in some sense, and this is especially well felt in big cities. Probably the primary mood of my characters is in this.”

This is my favorite:Screenshot 2024-01-09 223150.png to an external site.

by Anton Semenov I think it is called Dark-surreal-art but really not sure?

and this one is cool too.

from SOCIETY :: BehanceLinks to an external site.


Bratsk, Russian FederationLinks to an external site.

I love the way fur is created with brushstrokes or patterns.  I love the clearly defined dog nose, I believe that makes this piece potentially more friendly rather than scary.  I love how the teeth form a doorway.  I love the roof of the mouth and how the tongue is a floor, even though the whole thing seems to be a forest with trunks rather than a dog and a flowered pillow floor? I feel there definitely could be a whole story from this picture.  The girl seems dark art-ish, kind of Coraline style, and I LOVE stripes and Tim Burton and have many pairs of similar striped socks. I love the lizard/dog pets, fence, and how the light and calm demeanor kind of indicates this is her home.  Red is my favorite color so I love how the subtle shades of gray and green in the background help the red tones stand out.  The girl has a concerned, displeased expression so a story.  I feel like she is really tough or a purely magical ghost or lost soul type of entity who donned her beret and satchel to take her evil eyed Xolo dog/chameleons for a stroll. To me it doesn’t convey fear, but rather all of that composition conveys a pretty cool sketch world I want to visit.

I will add part 3 after midnight!

Edited by Alta Murphy on Jan 10 at 12amPart 3 My piece – “Happy to See you!” yellodoggo.pngI like to paint from photographs and I took one of a really old piece at a thrift store in Port Orchard or Port Townsend called “Little Charlie” by Marty Goldstein that both myself and my boy enjoyed because I thought repainting the dog would be fun and I was right. I cannot find the original photo I took but here is the piece: yellolittlecharlie.pngThis is precious to me because every stroll and minute I get to introduce my kiddo to art and broaden his horizons is a blessing to me.  We had just began our Washington adventure and completed the long trek from Iowa with only $10,000 that I had inherited from my mother.  The voyage in the pop-up camper was a long one as we took months to carefully use the funds for museums and educational history stops over the year we traveled.  We wanted to follow things like the Pioneer Trail and we visited places like the B Nuclear Reactor and dinosaur exhibits so that our kid could “experience” history and not just look at pictures in a school.  It took us a year of campsites and fishing to make the money last, and we were pretty confident our skills would be useful for employment when we settled. 

We were fortunate enough to find a 40′ wooden boat to live on when we arrived to avoid the high local rentals while we re-entered the tech industry. This was from one of the first quaint little local places we visited.We discovered the sculpture was part of a “Harvey dog series” and the whimsical bronze pieces have been bringing joy in pediatric cancer wards since 1995 Marty Goldstein Bio — The Artist (  My kiddo had a cauliflower tumor above his front teeth when he was about 5 and thankfully it was removed as benign, but my father passed of multiple cancers from being on one of the original ships in WWI passing through after the bomb dropped and so I decided this sculpture deserved a comfy dog bed after standing so long.  I pictured “Charlie” would be happy with this and created a way to “shadow” the tail so that it looks like it’s wagging and happy.  I hope when people see my painting that it makes them smile and gives them a little happy “boost” because how upset can you be with a tail wagging at you? I plan to use the “movement shadow idea” I have created in future paintings for sure and I do not know enough about painting and have never taken any art or painting classes, so I am not sure if this “movement thing” can just be my own painting style? Or if this has been done before? I did learn to add some motion to my digital art last quarter with the motion blur and may look into other ways to add “action” digitally.  I love to photograph things that can move like this little octopus here, maybe I will take him places: 20190517_125108 (1) copy.jpg