The post What do you think of when you see the APPLE logo? appeared first on Piratess Friday.
]]>“File:Colour Apple Newton Logo.JPG” by Binarysequence is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
It invokes immediate emotion at my cell phone sales job… either they hate it or love it when mentioned but take a few minutes to guess where it came from? I see it as something tasty that I want to take a bite out of. Yes there is already a bite out of it, but I still might want a bite of too, to see how tasty it is and I thought it just represented Mac colors.
According to, the designer Rob Janoff is quoted as saying: “It was very simple, really. I just bought a bunch of apples, put them in a bowl, and drew them for a week or so to simplify the shape, and signifies “biting into all the knowledge users would get out of this computer.”
In other interviews he goes on to link “byte” to a computer pun referencing bits of info, and (I am guessing there must have been quite a bit of confusion here) for making sure people didn’t think it was a cherry?
Before that people have guessed quite a few wrong ones that spread across the web, like the idea was a biblical Adam & Eve Reference. The fruit of knowledge was a good guess being relevant to technology. It could have been an apple hitting Isaac Newton’s head is scientifically related to technology as well as being the original design which was “too intricate and overly complex design” created by Apple’s co-founder Ronald Wayne, with a border that reads: Newton — “A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought — Alone,” according to (Phew, that IS complex compared to the that easier Universal Design that is easy for us to spot!) And one about it being a nod to Alan Turing eating a poisoned apple which seems like a bit of a stretch to me but he was the “father” of computing.
Father out theories suggest: Illuminati ties, a Gnostic symbol for enlightenment, a possible portal to another dimension (you bite it and enter a digital world apple virtual space), that Steve jobs bit an apple in a different future and traveled here, the rise of AI fusion, the LGBTQ+ movement colors, numerolgy we will need in the future in its design, a subliminal message to influence behavior “core appeal”, philosopher’s stone symbilizing immortality, and the bite to symbolize humans becoming “enhanced” when they eat it (like the new IPhone 15 was given to me to pitch to shoppers as “apple cider” because eveyone likes to drink apple cider…A sales tactic at it’s finest!) Maybe it is the popular with “Gen Z” Hitchhiker’s Guide for navigating the digital galaxy.
My seach for an answer, led to a fun page from included below full of other APPLE symbolism and Easter eggs such as: the Add to Reading list icon on IOS 7 is actually founder Steve Job’s glasses, how to make your Mac re-enact the original Star Wars in its entirety as ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) art, and how to get a secret Vulcan emoji. Fun afternoon activities in the making for Apple fans!
I did find an article in MacWorld that states Steve Jobs was a huge fan of the fruit and it was part of his “fruitarian” diet phase, “wanted something easy that came before ATARI in a phone book since he used to work there,” and had visited an Apple Farm Commune in Oregon called “All One Farm” whose location is secret even today. RIP Steve(1955-2011).
A modified Apple logo has been circulating the web with Steve Jobs as the original bite out of the Apple. I thought about it, and realized Steve is a loss to Apple, and should therefore be an additional piece removed from it. So I modified the image, moving Steve to the left side. My apologies to the original artist. – Jim Trottier. “Steve Jobs – 1955-2011” by Jim’s Photo World is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
“Steve Jobs – 1955-2011” by Jim’s Photo World is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Be sure to bookmark my page, explore this video and links, and come back for a second lunch!
The post What do you think of when you see the APPLE logo? appeared first on Piratess Friday.