Transitions in film are shots that lead us through clues in a storyline and invite questions leading to the next one like: how? Why? What next? Filmmaking itself encourages extensive education, research and creation to implement the best tried-and-true traditional techniques to innovate new ideas. These are the “invisible threads” that weave a film together, but you can notice they are there once you get familiar with some of them. There are many different types such as: Fade ins, jumpcuts (fast flips to different scene), dissolves blend one scene to another by fading and time passes, cutaways where the viewpoint switches from a subject to the main action and a cut to black such as the monolith’s appearance in “2001’s A Space Odessey” to name a few.
Transformation takes us on a real-life journey of transitions like sunrises and the change from night to day or day to night… or revealing like a moth from cocoon to hatching with wings. Revolutions are seismically huge transitions that can invoke many emotions from starkly different shots of the battlefield and death to celebration shots of the victor and the change that has taken place. Color can transition us from one place to another like in “The Wizard of Oz.”
As far as streaming services go, they have totally disrupted the the distribution, attendance, and access to films and filmmaking. No longer do we all rush to the movie theater for the big premiere. Many people are watching short and long videos that were created for free using technology most users have like their own IPHONE in high quality.
CGI has come along and altered all tools are available for filmmakers. Star Wars went from miniature sets and fishing wire hung starships to newer storylines with even more CGI and Jar Jar Binks. Gamers today might opt for a VR experience that plays out like a movie you are immersed in rather than go to a showing. AI algorithms are also aiding in scriptwriting, editing and more are being hailed as the “new” future of film right now, a MAJOR transformation for the industry, as more students and creators have access to AI. I love how in “The Frost” the snow is blended going across the shot sideways and the title “freezes over” I love the way the camera pans out to the landscape, and uses a fake shaky camera movement on the rock explosions. The panning and the reflections of the computer screen against the glasses in this video down right down to the fadinghandprint at the end hit at more traditional transitions in the futre as AI improves since there are alot of jump cuts as AI scenes generally have to be stitched together.
The entire AI movie of “The Frost can be viewed on the link below: (Be sure to bookmark my site, open a new page for this link, or use the back arrow to be sure and return for more riveting Piratess Friday content..I have also included a link to some IPHONE movies for the curious)
Welcome to the new surreal: how AI-generated video is changing film | MIT Technology Review
10 Awesome Movies You Didn’t Know Were Made on iPhone – Flickside
I have an assignment to make a short flick about transitions one idea of script and images/storyboard that I was going to mix with rock searching videos in streams I threw in powerpoint rather than paper sketch to merge with transitions in-between was…